

User Interface: View Mode

The image below shows the initial view that should be presented when this page is first loaded. The most important sections are labeled in red. Upon initially loading this page, you should be in View Mode, indicated by both the highlighted tab and the text "View Mode" displayed below this button. You can switch between View Mode and Draw Mode at any time by selecting the appropriate tab.

View Mode Interface with sections labeled

Initially, the methane molecule (CH4) should be displayed in the Drawing Window. While in View mode, you can use your mouse/pointer to perform the following tasks.

For all of the operations, clicking on a blank portion of the screen will clear the list of selected atoms and allow you to start measuring a different set of lengths/angles. Clicking on the same atom twice will cause the atom list to be reset and this selected atom will be placed as the first atom on the list.

To the right of the Drawing Window are several buttons. These provide the following options:

To save an image of a molecule, first rotate the molecule to get it into the desired orientation. Then, perform a right-click using the mouse pointer and select "Save Image As...".